Springhare [Pedetes capensis]
The Springhare iactually, contrary to its name, not a hare but a rodent. It has log oval like ears that give the Springhare its name. It has large rear legs and feet with small forearms. It is similar in shape to a kangaroo. It has a brown coloured coat with a white underside. It has red feet and a black tip on its tail.
The Springhare feeds on grass shoots, stems, seeds, leaves and green grass. These animals forage on all fours but will sit on it hind legs and tail while feeding.
Springhares are non seasonal breeders that give birth after a gestation period of only 77 days to only a single young, three times a year. The young can already see and move after birth. Young reach sexual maturity at 8 months.
The Springhare uses its long powerful legs to escape from predators like cheetah and bird of prey. Spring hares are a rare sighting during a Kruger Park Safari but it is possible to spot them in the sandy areas of the Park.
Springhares prefer grassy areas that are sparse with vegetation and sandy soil so they can burrow.