Male horns are very similar although the horns are more upward and curved shaped then the female horns.
These bulk grazer animals have a huge ecological impact on the veld. Their feeding habits give them the ability to change long grasslands into short grassy fields.
Buffalo’s only mate between March and May and the expecting period for a single calf is in a period of 330 days until the birth months of January and April. Buffalo’s travel in big herds but separate into smaller herds in times of drought. Cape Buffaloes are one of he many animals seen during Kruger Park Safaris.
Luckily these Buffalo species are very protective of one another regardless if lions attack a herd member. If a Buffalo bull is wounded it is said to be the most dangerous by hunters. This is one of the reasons they are part of the Big 5 in the Kruger.
Buffalos are to be spotted in the Kruger National Park in South Africa, inhabitant of Woodland Savannas and small herds in Zululand and Eastern Cape. This makes this animal a stapel during Kruger National Park Safaris
Some field notes for if you ever see a buffalo in the bush, they will give you a deep stare in your eyes as if you are their next meal.
Some disease-free buffalos are also being bred in certain areas in South Africa. Reason to be they are inherent carriers of viruses fatal to domestic stock.