Ihre Spezialisten für Kruger Park Safaris
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Ihre Spezialisten für Kruger Park Safaris
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5-tägige Krüger- und Panorama-Budget-Safari

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Kruger Nationalpark
Mindestalter: 8 Jahre
Die Info
Tägliche Abfahrten für Gruppen von 6 und mehr Personen, die zusammen reisen.

5-tägige Krüger- und Panorama-Budget-Safari


R16 990 Sharing / R18 230 Einzelzimmerzuschlag

Kinder bis 11 Jahre teilen sich mit Eltern weniger 50%
Mindestalter 8 Jahre – Mindestens 2 Kunden.

Was zu erwarten ist

Tag 1: Johannesburg – Krüger Park

Transfer from Johannesburg to Hazyview, check into the lodge and enjoy a light lunch, before departing on a late afternoon Sunset/Night Kruger Park safari followed by dinner at the lodge. (Light Lunch and Dinner Included)

Day 2: Full Day Safari in the Kruger National Park

The safari starts before sunrise, with breakfast and lunch in the park at rest camps, returning to the lodge late in the afternoon, to swim and relax a bit before dinner at the lodge. (Breakfast Pack and Dinner Included)

Covering an area of 2 000 000 hectares, the sprawling Kruger National Park is the ultimate safari destination. Kurt Safari was among the very first safari companies to introduce the concept of full-day safaris. This approach provides our clients with the unique opportunity to explore a vast portion of the Kruger, setting us apart from briefer 3-hour safaris which are confined to the camp surroundings, often resulting in repetitive routes each day.

Tag 3: Panorama-Tour

Wir genießen das Frühstück in der Lodge, gefolgt von einem aufregenden Tag, an dem wir die nördlichen Drakensberge erkunden und Gods Window, Bourke's Luck Potholes, die 3rd größte Canyon, der Blyde River Canyon, und die Wasserfälle von Lissabon. Setzen Sie sich hin Frühstück und Abendessen inklusive.

Day 4: Morning safari in the Kruger National Park & and Afternoon of Leisure

The day starts with another exciting safari, with breakfast enjoyed in the park. After the morning’s drive, we return to the lodge for lunch followed by an afternoon spent at leisure at the lodge, relaxing by the pool, or walking the trails around the lodge. (Breakfast Pack, Light Lunch and Dinner included)

Tag 5: Morgensafari im Krüger Nationalpark

Again, we depart before sunrise and we spend 6 hours on safari. We return to the lodge and from here we transfer back to Johannesburg. (Breakfast Pack Included)

90% of our clients on 4-day safaris encounter all the Big 5.


Kurt Safari uses either the serene Umbhaba Eco Lodge or the inviting Hazyview Sun, both nestled in the scenic town of Hazyview, as our preferred Kruger Park accommodation. These privately owned lodges are renowned for their exceptional accommodations and delicious menus. Each room is equipped with modern amenities, including air-conditioning and Wi-Fi, ensuring a comfortable and well-connected stay. Situated just 10 km from the Phabeni Gate, these lodges offer convenient access to the prime wildlife areas of Kruger.

All of our Budget Package clients will be accommodated in Standard Rooms. These rooms have comfortable air-conditioning, and Wi-Fi, but they don’t have fridges or DSTV access.

Abfahrts- und Rückgabeort

06:30 Uhr - 06:45 Uhr - Die Kunden werden von Lodges in einem Umkreis von 5 km um den internationalen Flughafen OR Tambo in Johannesburg abgeholt.
06:45 Uhr - 07:00 Uhr - Die Kunden werden vom Shuttle- und Busterminal am internationalen Flughafen OR Tambo abgeholt. Wir fahren um 7:15 Uhr ab. Bitte sehen Sie sich die Karte unten an, um unsere Abholpunkte zu sehen.

Der Transport zum Flughafen erfolgt über das moderne Gautrain oder Uber.

Kunden können auch direkt zum Flughafen Skukuza innerhalb des Krügergebiets oder zum internationalen Flughafen Kruger Mpumalanga fliegen. wo sie von einem Kurt Safari Guide ohne zusätzliche Kosten abgeholt werden.


Im Preis inbegriffen

Lizenzierte und professionelle Safari-Guides
1 Sonnenuntergangssafari / Nachtsafari
1 Ganztägige Safaris im offenen Fahrzeug im Krüger-Nationalpark.
1 Ganztägige Panoramatour
2 Halbtägige Morgensafari im offenen Fahrzeug im Krüger-Nationalpark.
Transfers von und nach Johannesburg ODER Tambo Airport.
4 Nächte 3-Sterne-Unterkunft in Hazyview
4 Frühstücke und 4 Abendessen – gemäß Reiseverlauf.
5 Tage Naturschutzabgaben & Eintrittsgelder.
2 Mittagessen
Mineralwasser auf allen Laufwerken

Vom Preis ausgeschlossen

Alle Mahlzeiten und Getränke, die nicht in der Reiseroute angegeben sind
Gegenstände persönlicher Natur

Was zu bringen

Bequeme Schuhe
Warme und regensichere Jacken
Persönliche Besitztümer

Wichtiger Hinweis

*We unfortunately cannot accommodate children under 8 years old on shared safaris, but please do request a quote for one of our private safaris.

*Clients flying out of OR Tambo International Airport on the last day of the trip should please not book their flight earlier than 20:00 pm for Domestic Flights and 21:00 pm for International Flights as one cannot always guarantee on-time arrival at the airport.

*Clients should arrive in Johannesburg the day before their tour starts to avoid missing the shuttle to the Kruger National Park, as this vehicle is not privately owned and cannot be delayed.

Warum ein SATSA-Mitglied verwenden

Vertrauen Sie Ihre Reisen ins südliche Afrika zur Beruhigung den fachkundigen Händen eines SATSA-Mitglieds an!

Das Zeichen des Qualitätstourismus im südlichen Afrika 

Seit über 53 Jahren ist SATSA das vertrauenswürdige Zeichen für Glaubwürdigkeit, Qualität und Engagement für exzellenten Service.

Wir bieten Verbrauchern Beratung und glaubwürdige Referenzen, um ihnen zu helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen bei der Auswahl von Tourismusanbietern zu treffen.

SATSA-Mitglieder halten sich an eine strenge Verhaltenskodex, die hohe Servicestandards, gute Qualität, Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Rückgriffsmöglichkeiten für den Verbraucher garantiert.

Mitglieder durchlaufen ein strenges Bewerbungsverfahren und müssen jährlich Unterlagen über ihr Unternehmen einreichen, damit der Verband überprüfen kann, ob sie tatsächlich ein gesundes Unternehmen führen, das den Verbrauchern empfohlen werden kann.

Alle Mitglieder sind auch mit Haftungsfreistellungen gegenüber Dritten verbunden, was finanziell solide Beziehungen gewährleistet, wenn sie als Lieferanten eingesetzt werden.

Seien Sie versichert, dass alle SATSA-Mitglieder:

  • Integrität haben: Halten Sie sich an eine strikte Verhaltenskodex
  • Sind legitim: Die Firmenregistrierung wird jährlich überprüft
  • Sind finanziell stabil: Solvabilität wird jährlich überprüft
  • Sind gesetzeskonform: gemäß den Vorschriften der Tourismusbranche
  • Versichert sind: Angemessener Versicherungsschutz mit Mindestdeckungssummen
  • Sind verpfändet: Ihre Anzahlungen vor der Tour sind garantiert

Tag 1: Transfer von Johannesburg & Sonnenuntergang/Nachtsafari

(Mittag- und Abendessen inklusive)

Die Gäste werden zwischen 6:30 und 6:45 Uhr in verschiedenen Lodges und Hotels in einem Umkreis von 5 km um den internationalen Flughafen OR Tambo und zwischen 6:45 und 7 Uhr vom Shuttle und Busbahnhof des internationalen Flughafens OR Tambo abgeholt: 00 Uhr, wir fahren um 7:15 Uhr ab.

Clients have the option of flying directly into Skukuza Airport, or to Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport, and be collected by a Kurt Safari guide at no additional cost.

Please confirm your pickup details the day before the tour by sending an email to online@kurtsafari.com.

Please note these are shared departures.

We will travel straight to the lodge in Hazyview and we arrive between 11:30 am and 12:00 pm. Guests will have time to relax, unpack and settle into their rooms before enjoying a light lunch. There is also time to go for a swim or a walk around the beautiful lodge and its walking trails. We depart at around 16:00 pm for our Sunset/Night Safari in the Kruger National Park before returning to the lodge at approximately 19:30 or 20:00 pm for a scrumptious dinner, and a good night’s rest.

Tag 2: Ganztägige Safari im offenen Fahrzeug im Krüger-Nationalpark

(Frühstück und Abendessen inbegriffen; Mittagessen auf eigene Rechnung)

All of our safaris start before the sun rises, as the early morning hours are the absolute best time of day for spotting wildlife, especially predators. The guide will choose the best areas of the park to explore on this Kruger Park game drive. During this morning’s game drive, we will keep a lookout for all sorts of animals, including the Big 5.

The lodge will arrange breakfast packs and after about 3 hours of driving, your guide will stop for breakfast and bathroom break, and there is also a chance to get a coffee. We then continue with the safari. The Kruger Park is home to a variety of eco zones and each one has a different kind of wildlife to see. During the safari, we will visit rivers and watering holes as well as the vast open plains and the park’s Bushveld regions.

We then stop for lunch at a rest camp, where this meal will be on your own account. While here there will be time to do some curio shopping or to indulge in a cold beer! The guide will then continue with the safari, as you make your way back towards the lodge. We arrive back at between 15:30 and 16:00 pm, with enough time to relax, swim and have a great dinner.

Day 3: Full Day Panorama Tour

(Frühstück und Abendessen inbegriffen; Mittagessen auf eigene Rechnung)

Today’s tour takes you to God’s Window, Bourke’s Luck Potholes, Blyde River Canyon (the world’s 3rd largest canyon), Lisbon Waterfalls, the 3 Rondavels and the town of Graskop, some of the most iconic destinations on South Africa’s world-famous Panorama Route!

We start the morning with a delicious hot breakfast at the lodge at 07:00 am, after that your guide will meet you at 08:00 am in a comfortable, closed air-conditioned vehicle.

The Panorama Route begins 45 minutes after we leave Hazyview. The route we take will have us climb almost 1000 meters up into the otherworldly Northern Drakensberg Mountain Range. The temperatures up here vary a lot from Hazyview, so bring a jacket (the days can get quite cool even in summer) as well as comfortable walking shoes, there will be plenty of invigorating walks on this day.

Our first stop is God’s Window, which provides a window-like lookout point from high up above the escarpment. There is a 1 000 m drop from the viewpoint to the landscape below, and on a clear day one can see as far as the Kruger and beyond.  Bring your comfortable walking shoes, as the various lookout points require a bit of a hike to get to. The average person takes around 15-20 minutes to get to the top. But the beautiful natural African rainforest that you will walk through is worth the walk.

Bourke’s Luck Potholes is our next stop. This ancient natural rock formation was created by water erosion over hundreds of years. The Potholes are characterised by round carvings and holes of different sizes made in the soft red sandstone, at the swirling confluence of the Treur River and Blyde River. Your guide will brief you on the history of the region. There are small bridges that allow guests to walk over the chasms and look down at the water as it flows through the cracks and holes. There are also several small but beautiful waterfalls that are scattered throughout the area. We spend about 1 hour here and walk about 1 km in total.

The Blyde River Canyon, the 3rd largest canyon in the world, is our next destination. The canyon is over 40km long and is as deep as 1 200m in certain places. The canyon contains an interesting variety of plant life, and lazy meandering rivers and dams make up most of the floor of the canyon. At a certain lookout point above the canyon, guests get to see another beauty of the Panorama Route: The 3 Rondavels.

The 3 Rondavels get their name from their appearance which is similar to the Rondavel house, a traditional hut commonly built in Africa. These 3 outcrops stand prominently from the landscape, making them impossible to miss.

Before we reach our lunch spot, the guide will take you to the Lisbon Waterfalls, a beautiful waterfall that has a strong flow of all throughout the year.

After a morning of exploring the Panorama Route’s beautiful natural attractions, we stop in the mountain town of Graskop for lunch and some curio shopping. The town is famous for its delicious pancakes and our lunch venue for the day will be the pancake restaurant. There some lovely locally owned shops waiting to be explored and guests will have more than enough time to enjoy a slow stroll through the town.

We will arrive back at the lodge at about 16:00 pm after an unforgettable day out. There is time to have a drink and to take a dip in the pool before you tuck into a filling dinner at the lodge, before an early night.


DAY 4: Morning Safari and Afternoon of Leisure

(Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Included)

We again depart before the sun is up for our morning safaris. The early, cool morning hours are the best time of day for viewing wildlife including predators like lions and hyenas, who are mostly active during the early hours of the day. Your guide will today try to find animals and exploring regions not yet seen or covered during the previous safari. The Kruger National Park is home to 148 mammal species and over 500 bird species. No safari is ever the same and there is always something new and interesting to see.

The Kruger has a huge network of roads to explore and our guides, who know the park so well, will drive in different areas of the park during the different seasons, giving our clients the maximum opportunity to see more of the beautiful wilderness, wildlife and vegetation.

We will return to the lodge at around 11 am and today we are relaxing and enjoying an afternoon of leisure. You can swim, stretch your legs with a walk around the lodge, try our local beers or just enjoy our great African weather. Breakfast, a light lunch and dinner, are included.

DAY 5: Morning Safari and Transfer back to Johannesburg

(Frühstück inbegriffen)

Today is our last safari and again we depart from the lodge before sunrise. We will have another packed breakfast at one of the rest camps or picnic sites. The guide will focus on trying to find the animals we couldn’t find on the first 2 safaris, and as always we hope to see lion and leopard as they are at their most active in the early mornings.

After a short breakfast and coffee stop, we will continue with the safari, as we make our way back to the lodge at around 12:00 pm.

After saying goodbye to your guide and freshening up, the journey back to Johannesburg begins. Clients are collected by the shuttle at around 12:30 pm, and you will return to Johannesburg’s OR Tambo shuttle terminal or a lodge within a 5 km radius of the airport, arriving between 17:00 pm and 18:00 pm

Hinweis: Kunden, die am letzten Tag der Safari vom OR Tambo International Airport abfliegen, sollten ihren Flug bitte nicht vor 20:00 Uhr für Inlandsflüge und 21:00 Uhr für internationale Flüge buchen.



Alle Budget-Paket-Kunden werden in den Standardzimmern der Lodge untergebracht, diese beinhalten Klimaanlage und WIFI, aber keine Kühlschränke oder DSTV in den Zimmern.

Die Kurt-Safari nutzt 2 Lodges im Hazyview-Gebiet, die Umbhaba Eco Lodge und bei voller Auslastung Hazyview Sun, beide Lodges sind hochwertige Lodges und innerhalb von 15 Minuten von den Toren Numbi oder Phabeni entfernt.

Umbhaba Eco Lodge


Sanbonani Resort Hotel


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